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Top 10 Jasmine Bud Tea Health Benefits / Effects (2023)

Top 10 Jasmine Bud Tea Health Benefits / Effects (2023)

When it comes to refreshing aromas, jasmine is definitely one of the strongest contenders, along with limes and lemons.

But wait, not only can you enjoy the jasmine smell but can also taste it too! What’s even better is that jasmine tea does wonders for your health, and today you are going to find out how!

1. Jasmine Tea Has a Lot of Antioxidants

Jasmine Tea Has a Lot of Antioxidants

While a decision to eat more fruit and vegetables is always a good one to make, drinking jasmine tea can also replenish your body with an incredible amount of all-powerful antioxidants.

As you might know, these antioxidants fight the free radicals that are known to cause cancer and damage your body cells in general. A study by the Chinese University of Hong Kong has also found that jasmine tea protects red blood cells from damage that was caused by free radicals.

2. Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

Now here’s a pretty interesting fact. As you might know, a lot of teas protect you from bad cholesterol and improve the overall cardiovascular system in general. Anything else? Yes, the scent alone can cause this very effect!

What does jasmine tea do? It significantly decreases the heart rate, resulting in a calming effect and lowering blood pressure. As you probably know, high blood pressure is bad for your system.

3. Helps to Fight Against Diabetes

Helps to Fight Against Diabetes

According to recent studies, drinking jasmine and / or green tea significantly relieves the symptoms of diabetes (such as tingling in the hands and feet, slow healing, and so on), making it one of the must-drink teas for everyone who is diagnosed with this condition.

That’s not all, thought. Jasmine tea also acts as a preventive measure against this illness, meaning that every single person who drinks this tea wins.

4. Prevents Cancerous Cell Growth

Prevents Cancerous Cell Growth

Just like many other teas, jasmine tea does protects you from cancer and decreases the probability of you ever getting it. In addition to that, it’s specifically effective against esophageal cancer, having an inverse effect: the more tea you consume (think in increments of 0.5), the lower the chances of cancer.

Another study has found that jasmine tea has anti-cancer properties and has since been synthesized for use in drug form.

5. Helps to Relieve Stress

Helps to Relieve Stress

This is probably one of the more interesting effects of this tea. As a study of 24 healthy individuals has shown, jasmine tea tends to produce a sedative effect. Therefore, its drinkers not only have a lower heart rate (which is associated with inner harmony), but are also more relaxed and in a better mood in general.

6. Helps to Fight Gastrointestinal Disorders

Helps to Fight Gastrointestinal Disorders

Since jasmine tea (which is usually mixed with green or white tea leaves) is rich in antioxidants and other nutrients, those drinking the tea were found to have a lower chance of developing a duodenal or stomach cancer.

And if you are having problems with your gastrointestinal tract, consider adding jasmine tea to your diet as well. It has a tendency to reduce these abnormalities and promote a healthy gastrointestinal system.

7. Improves Your Immunity

Helps to Fight Gastrointestinal Disorders

If you want to have more productive and less “lying in bed with a headache” days, jasmine tea is a great tea to add to your diet. As studies have shown, tea drinkers usually have a much stronger immune system than those who choose other beverages.

Don’t forget that the immune system is an integral part of a healthy individual, so keep recharging it with a cup (or two) of tea.

8. Reduces Joint and Arthritis Pain

Reduces Joint and Arthritis Pain

Now this one is pretty big, especially for people with chronic joint or arthritis pain. As it turns out, jasmine tea has specific compounds that are beneficial to your joints, reducing discomfort and aching in general.

In addition, jasmine tea mixed with ginger was also found to reduce the swelling and inflammation of joints, making it even more effective when it comes to dealing with these types of symptoms.

9. Helps You Lose Weight

Helps You Lose Weight

Believe it or not, but in order to prove that jasmine tea does indeed reduce fat and cholesterol levels, scientists took hamsters and put them on a cholesterol and fat heavy diet. Then they were given either jasmine tea or water. It turned out that hamsters drinking tea had a significantly lower level of fat and cholesterol.

That’s not all, though. Jasmine tea also increases your metabolism, which means that calories do burn faster, making exercise much more effective.

Top 10 Jasmine Bud Tea Health Benefits

That’s it! We are sure that by the time you have finished reading this list, you’ll have a burning desire to finally smell and sip some wonderful jasmine tea, and enjoy its benefits for both your nose and your body.

Where to Order?

The good news? If you order it now, we are going to ship it to you for free. It doesn’t matter if you are from the US, Romania, or Sweden – every single country is included in the promo.

Click here and do it now!

P.S. You may also add jasmine tea to your white or green loose-leaf tea to reveal new flavors.

P.P.S. Jasmine tea is not recommended for pregnant women, nor are any other teas that have a pretty strong scent.

Top 15+: Green Tea Health Benefits & Side-Effects (2023)

Top 10+: Green Tea Health Benefits & Side-Effects (2023)

Have you ever wondered what kind of amazing things green tea can do to your health, mind, and body in general? What about the negatives?

Well, you are about to find out as we have prepared a list of top 10 green tea health benefits and more.

So why exactly should you drink it or avoid?

The Pros of Green Tea

1Green Tea Improves Your Brain & Helps to Concentrate

As you might know, green tea contains caffeine, a well-known compound for improving brain function, mood, and even reaction times. In addition to this, it contains one important ingredient that coffee does not have: L-theanine, a miraculous amino acid, that working in tandem with caffeine, improves productivity and gives you more energy.

Need a coffee replacement? You’ve just found one!

2Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

No, running is not the only thing that can improve your heart and overall health. Another important factor of green tea is its ability to lower your blood cholesterol levels.

In fact, according to recently published research, those consuming at least a couple of cups of green tea per day had a 31% lower chance of dying of a heart attack and other heart diseases.

3Prevents Cancer

One more incredible green tea benefit: it has a lot of very powerful antioxidants that can protect you from different kinds of cancer.

Thanks to recent studies, it was revealed that people who drank the most green tea reduced their breast cancer risk by 22%, prostate cancer by 48%, and colorectal cancer by 57%. Furthermore, it was shown that some anti-oxidants found in green tea have also tricked cancer cells and caused them to self-destruct.

4Protects You from Aging

I am not a fan of wrinkles – are you? What about all kinds of problems that come with old age? Well, good news for people who love to drink this warm and delicious beverage.

As it turns out, there are many active ingredients in green tea, including those that help to protect your body from damage due to the formation of free radicals.

5Prevents Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases

What else comes with old age? Various diseases related to your brain and nervous systems, including the two most popularly known ones.

The good news? There is another amazing benefit that green tea has: the ability to protect your brain’s neurons and reduce the risk of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

6Improves Your Dental Hygiene

Good news for those who want to improve their dental health and save both time and money by not visiting a dentist.

One of the substances found in green tea (catechin) was found to prevent the growth of the main bacteria in the mouth that creates tooth decay. It also improves your breath.

7Lowers the Risk of Diabetes

Here’s another green tea benefit for you. According to a recent study, green tea drinkers have an 18% less chance of becoming diabetic.

Not only that, but diabetic people who added a few cups of green tea to their diet were also found to have fewer side effects compared to those who did not.

8Green Tea Decreases Death Rates

What happens when you blend all these factors together into one? Your overall lifespan increases.

According to a lot of combined studies, people who drank at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a 42% / 35% (men / women) lower chance of death due to stroke, 31% / 22% lower chance of death due to various heart diseases, and a 76% lower chance of dying while the above-mentioned studies were being carried out.

9Reduces the Risk of Becoming Obese

If you are one of those people who love fatty and delicious snacks, then there’s one less reason to worry about becoming overweight (assuming you don’t consume dozens of donuts every single day). That is if you drink green tea, of course, as it has shown to decrease body fat percentage and overall body weight.

The result?

10Green Tea Improves Your Figure

Green tea is known to increase your metabolic rate. The result? Better fat burning for people that consume this delicious beverage.

Sounds fishy? Remember those green tea “fat burning” pills? The most important ingredient? That’s how good green tea is at increasing lean mass.

Who needs pills when you can sip your cup of tea?

We’ve talked positives, what about the other side of the coin? While green tea is a safe drink, one should be aware of the following side-effects. Most of which come from the caffeine itself.

The Negative Side-Effects of Green Tea

11Green Tea and Pregnancy

Due to a high caffeine content, it’s not recommended to drink more than 2 cups of green tea per day. For women that consume more than the recommended amount, there is a higher probability of miscarriage. In addition to that, caffeine drinks are not recommended while breastfeeding.

Another red flag: drinking 4 to 5 cups of green tea per day could cause birth defects due to the folic acid decency.

12Anemia, Blood Pressure and Bleed Disorders

Who knew that caffeine is to blame for pretty much everything? It’s a well-known fact that coffee or any caffeine-based drink can increase your blood pressure. Please do not consume more than few cups of tea per day. Irregular heartbeat might also be caused by caffeine.

Same thing applies to people with bleeding disorders or anemia. It might increase the severity of these conditions.

13Not Recommended if You Suffer from Glaucoma

If you eye pressure is already on the higher side, drinking green tea will increase it even more. Such effects last from 30 to 120 minutes. Depending on the strength of your drink, it could make your condition worse.

14Green Tea Extracts and Liver

It has been shown that consuming large amounts of green tea extracts can cause liver damage. Fortunately, the amounts are on extreme side. We are talking about 800 mg of antioxidants that are present in tea leaves. Who would even think of consuming that much tea leaves or tea extract?

15Green Tea Worsens Osteoporosis

The last of many caffeine side-effects. Drinking more than 3 cups of coffee is not recommended for men or women suffering from weak bones. Caffeine tends to increase the amount of calcium that is removed together with urine. If you can’t live without tea or coffee, consider occasionally taking a calcium supplement.


It’s insane how awesome green tea can be. If you want to protect yourself from cancer or have healthier teeth, go with green tea. What about more energy? Green tea is the answer!

What are you waiting for? Click here to buy delicious green tea and enjoy your amazing life.

Cheers to the benefit of green tea.

Top 10+: Organic Tea Health Benefits & Side-Effects (2023)

Top 10+: Organic Tea Health Benefits / Effects and Cons (2023)

What are the benefits of drinking organic green, white, black, herbal or any other tea? And why choose it over a non-organic and slightly cheaper counterpart?

If you are reading this article, it means that you care about your health and well-being. Having extensively researched this topic, I’ve come up with some of the pros and cons of organic teas.

Organic Tea Positive Health Benefits

1Non-Organic Farmers May Spray Banned Chemicals

This is as rare as a unicorn, but having all things considered, could still happen. Do you know what’s inside your tea? It’s a well-known fact many individual farmers in foreign countries are notorious for using chemicals that are banned. These bans don’t apply just to US or Canada. I am talking about bans in their own countries!

For example, one of the insecticides that many non-organic teas farmers spray is DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). What’s so bad about it? It was banned in the US more than 70 years ago! It’s a toxic chemical that causes cancer. Unfortunately, some non-organic tea farmers still use this chemical. Even worse, there is no way to tell unless you pay for the extensive product examination.

2Organic Tea May Extend Your Lifespan

According to a 2003 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, organic foods have a significantly higher level of cancer-fighting antioxidants. This means that drinking tea will help you to protect yourself from various cancers. This includes breast, prostate, skin, lung, colon, esophagus, stomach, and others.

That’s not enough? Britain’s Soil Association has reviewed over 400 studies and confirmed that organically grown foods have more vitamins & minerals.

3Organic Tea Has Little to No Pesticides

You can save a few bucks and risk your own or your family members’ health. That’s up to you. It’s all about the odds. For everyone else, however, organic tea is a no-brainer solution. Why? It does not contain synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or other nasty chemicals.

We have learned a lot, thanks to a 2003 University of Washington study. What did they find out? Children that ate organic foods and drank organic tea had 6 times lower pesticide concentration than those consuming regular products. That’s quite an improvement. 

4Organic Tea Somewhat Saves the Planet

Have you ever heard about over-fertilization? Here’s how it happens: pesticides often kill ~99% of all insects on a farm, including their natural predators. Beneficial organisms take much longer to re-establish the ecosystem. This is mostly due to shorter life cycles and lower number of “siblings” that they tend to produce. Then the surviving predators rapidly overtake the farm and do tremendous damage to the tea leaves. As a result, farmers spray more chemicals and the cycle repeats itself. With organic teas, you don’t have to worry about that.

Since tea is often grown in higher areas, the applied chemicals often reach mountains, hills, rivers, and lakes. The result? A wrecked and damaged ecosystem that stretches for thousands of miles.

5Organic Tea Helps Poor Families and Small Farmers

Here’s another interesting fact. Yes, some tea is grown in large organic farms. However, most of it actually comes from various plots of land that are run by small farmers. More often than not, these people care about the ecosystem and overall balance of nature. They are not fed by greed or a drive to keep increasing profits at the expense of their customers’ health.

In addition to this, by buying organic tea you help support local farmers and their families. As you know, they tend to be much poorer than most of us.

6Pesticides are Linked to Infertility and Birth Defects

If you want to have healthy children, considering consuming food and tea that has little or no pesticides. Commercial pesticides are associated with fetal abnormalities, genital mutations, cancers, IQ loss, and even infertility. That’s according to a recently issued scientific report by the European Commission.

The very same report also links pesticides to depression and increased farmer suicide in China, Brazil, the US, and other countries.

7Organic Foods and Herbs Have More Nutrients

Let me summarize this video. The experts have studied organic and non-organic foods. Their findings? Food grown with natural fertilizers tend to have more nutrients and anti-oxidants.

The positive effects of anti-oxidants are still debatable to this day, but at least they are not causing any negatives.

The Cons of Organic Tea

8Organic Tea is More Expensive

This is one of the organic tea cons that everyone is aware of. Nowadays it’s fashionable to be healthy, yet it’s also a luxury. You can spend twice as much on a box of organic tea! However, if you are not feeling any benefits right now, why even bother?

That’s the logic most people go by and it’s hard to blame them. Unless you drink thousands of cups of tea every week, the increased costs are not that great. That’s when you start to consider benefits. There are many great cheap tea stores also, so non-organic is not automatically bad.

9Organic Tea Could Exhaust Our Planet

This is one of the negatives of organic tea or any organic things in general. Since it takes more time and space to grow the same amount of goods, organic things could overpopulate Earth. Instead of using 10mto grow tea, farmers now must expand their fields to supply the same amount of people.

Basically, organic foods in a sense are also bad for the planet.

10There are Scam Organic Tea Suppliers

We can’t just talk about organic ta without covering the very basics of this popular scam.

Did you know that a lot of suppliers sell non-organic teas as organic? Before buying a tea that is labelled organic, be sure to check whether the seller has necessary certificates. The organic standard is really hard to achieve. Not only can there be no pesticides on the tea leaves, but the soil, air and processing machines. To go even further, warehouses and even the packaging must also be pesticide free.

AiryTea organic products include many certificates, including:

USDA / US Approved

Order Organic or Regular Tea Now!

So, why would you want to go through all this trouble? You don’t have to! Simply pick organic over non-organic tea, which also has an incredible taste and aroma. Just ask yourself if you want to live longer and be healthier!

Yes? Then it’s simple. Spoil yourself with some amazing tea every day and enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.

Click here and do it now!

Top 10 Teas to Drink During Springtime


Spring is finally here and everything is blooming while the weather is perfect! It is the favorite time of the year for many people because it’s so nice out and nature is waking up from the long winter. You have probably drunk a lot of tea during the winter to help you fight colds and flu, but that’s finally over and your tea selection can change. Light and floral herbal teas are the best for springtime not only because they taste good, but also because some of them can help with allergies that most people experience during this time of year. That’s why we have decided to compile a list of perfect teas to drink in spring that will certainly strike your fancy.

Dried Osmanthus Tea

Dried Osmanthus TeaA nice herbal tea is the perfect beverage to drink in spring so our first recommendation is dried osmanthus tea. It is made from beautiful yellow osmanthus flowers which are dried. This is a very mild tea with a nice floral flavor that will instantly captivate you. A perfect time to enjoy this herbal tea is in the nice sunny afternoons while spending time with your loved ones. Children also love this sweet tea so make sure to experience it together as a family!

AiryTea offers high-quality osmanthus tea, as well as osmanthus teabags.

Dried Dandelion Tea

Dandelion is a very familiar plant to all us and it grows in a lot of places all over the world. It is a very healthy plant and you can actually use all parts of it. The flowers and the roots are edible, as well as the leaves which you can eat in a salad or dry and make tea from it. Dried dandelion tastes very floral and just slightly bitter which makes it a very interesting herbal tea to try. Drinking it regularly will make you feel more energized and strong.

Anxi Tieguanyin

This is an oolong tea, but it’s actually quite similar to green tea. This is a high end tea with rich history and tradition. Anxi Tieguanyin is extremely refreshing which is perfect for springtime. Upon tasting it, you will notice a lot of sweetness with a hint of fruitiness. The caffeine in this tea will also give you a nice jolt of energy which makes it perfect for drinking in the morning before you start your busy day. AiryTea offers 50% off on genuine Anxi Tieguanyin tea that you can brew many times.

Dried Tangerine Peel Tea

Another refreshing springtime tea is certainly tangerine peel tea. As you might assume, it is made out of dried tangerine peels and it tastes delicious! What is special about this tea is the incredibly strong aroma that will instantly spread throughout the room so you won’t need air fresheners. The flavor is citrusy and it’s almost like eating tangerines. You can also make tangerine peel tea into an iced tea which is the best beverage for warm spring months. This tea is also packed full of vitamins so you will definitely feel a lot healthier.

Lotus Tea

Lotus TeaLotus is not just one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, but also a delicious tea. The plant can be dried up and brewed into a very interesting herbal tea which has a floral and fresh taste. This tea contains no caffeine which means you can drink it any time of the day and it has a very calming effect. The perfect time to drink it would be in the late afternoons while you’re letting go of any stress from the day. It is also a nice herbal tea to consume before meditation. Not only does it has spiritual symbolism, but it will get you in the right mindset.

Silver Needle Tea

If like white tea, then you simply must try Silver Needle tea! It is one of the most famous high end white teas that has won many prizes over the years and it is praised by tea connoisseurs all over the globe. It has a very mild and grassy taste which will certainly refresh you. But what is most interesting about this tea is its unique look; the tea leaves are covered in fuzzy silver hairs because they’re picked when very young. AiryTea Silver Needle tea comes from Fuding County which means it is high-quality and made by skilled farmers.

Roselle Hibiscus Flower Tea

When you and your guest are enjoying the sun on a nice terrace, bring out some roselle flower tea and you certainly wow them. The great thing about this sweet tea is that you can drink it cold and make Roselle juice. Simply brew some tea, cool it down in a refrigerator, add ice, some lemons, and serve it! Hint: iced Roselle tea is also great for making cocktails so add some liquor and let the fun begin!

Rose Bud Tea

Rose Bud TeaRoses are probably one of the most famous flowers in the world. Many people have them in their garden and when they’re in bloom, they’re absolutely gorgeous and elegant. But did you know that a delicious tea can also be made from rose buds? That’s right, you can dry up some rose buds and brew them. The results is a very delicate and feminine tea with a recognizable rosy aroma. This tea contains no caffeine so it suitable for those have given it up.

Hawthorn Berry Tea

Another herbal tea that’s nice to drink during springtime is hawthorn berry tea. If you like berries, you will certainly enjoy the flavor of this tea. Like many other herbal teas, you can cool it down and make a refreshing beverage the whole family will love!

Mango Green Tea

If you don’t like the hassle of brewing loose leaf tea, you can try AiryTea mango green teabags. It is a beverage that you can literally make in a couple of minutes. The combination of green tea and mango is quite interesting because you have the subtle grassy flavor mixed with the mango sweetness.

Tea vs. Coffee – Which One is Better?

Tea vs. Coffee - Which One is Better?

Tea vs. Coffee - Which One is Better?The famous debate of tea vs. coffee is still going on because new and ground-breaking studies which change our perception of both are revealed regularly. There is also a lot of misleading information and some articles that swear coffee is better while other hail tea. All of that can seem pretty confusing and makes it hard to come up with a definite opinion of which is actually better to drink and good for your health – tea or coffee?

Because people in general are more concerned about what they eat and drink, and are trying to be as healthy as possible, tea and especially coffee have come under scrutiny. Everybody is reviewing their diet and trying to come up with drinks and meal plans that are not only extremely healthy, but have an array of different benefits. Organic food and beverages have become a must while processed and unhealthy ones are avoided. The interest in health is understandable because the quality of our diet, especially in the west, has steadily decreased over the years. This has led to many serious conditions and health concerns including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature death. In order to avoid this type of health issues, we need to be more knowledgeable and careful about what we put into our bodies, as well as exercise regularly.

Along with food, different beverages have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Tea and coffee are certainly the two most popular drinks which most people drink daily. There are many reasons people drink at least one of those two beverages on a regular basis and some are related to different customs, habits, and morning routines.  Coffee and tea are also consumed in order to get more energy, feel more awake, concentrate better, lose weight, and feel healthier. But the question is whether you actually get all those benefits you think you’re getting when drinking coffee or tea and are both of them really good for your health? If you’re committed to living a healthy life, you might be interested in which one of these famous beverages is actually proven to be better for your health. Many people have started replacing coffee with tea, but you might wonder is tea really a better choice and is coffee that bad for you or did it just get a bad rep? We’re going to try to answer all of those questions and more and give you a definite answer for the tea vs. coffee debate. So find out which one is better for your health!

Organic vs. Nonorganic

Before we get into which beverage is better to drink, it is important to talk about organic and nonorganic teas and coffee. Regardless of which beverage you drink on a regular basis, make sure it is organic. Organic teas and coffee have a far superior quality and are definitely much better for your overall health. Nonorganic tea leaves and coffee beans are inferior in taste and are often full of harmful substances that could have a negative effect on your body. We recommend that you stay away from those, and consume coffee and tea that is certified as organic and comes from a trusted source.


When thinking about coffee and tea, the taste is probably one of the first things that comes to mind. You might think that the taste is not as crucial in finding out which beverage is healthier, but you’ll be surprised to find out that the flavor can actually tell you a lot about how each beverage affects your body. For instance, we can all taste that coffee is much more bitter and acidic than tea and that can actually have negative effects on your stomach, especially if you’re prone to heartburn or acid reflux. Most teas have a much milder taste and are known to actually soothe the stomach. While herbal teas are made from the roots or flowers of different plants, all other teas (green, black, oolong, white etc.) come from the same plant known as Camellia Sinensis. So there are many varieties and all of them have a very unique taste.

Caffeine Content

Caffeine content is a big factor in making the decision whether to consume tea or coffee. Although caffeine is the main reason why people drink coffee and tea, more and more people are trying to reduce their caffeine intake or eliminate it completely. That’s a hard thing to do because caffeine is the main reason why that cup of coffee picks you up and gives you that much needed energy boost in the morning. But many studies have shown that caffeine is definitely not good for your health, especially in big quantities. So the question is which beverage has the higher caffeine content, coffee or tea? There is 100 milligrams of caffeine in a regular cup of coffee, while most teas have only 15 – 60. So if you want to decrease your caffeine intake or remove it completely from your diet, tea is definitely a better choice.


Tea vs. Coffee - Which One is Better?The amount of energy you get from tea or coffee is largely influenced by the caffeine content, but not in the way that you might assume. It seems logical that coffee would give you more energy because we have concluded that it has more caffeine that tea. But that’s not exactly right if you take some other things into consideration. Although coffee gives you that noticeable boost, after a couple of hours you come crashing down and feel more tired and exhausted then before. Unfortunately, this is the consequence of ingesting a lot of caffeine. It also works like a drug, the more you take, the more you need to keep that buzz. This is definitely not healthy and many people suffer from awful comedowns after drinking a lot of coffee, while some get depressed as well. So although it seems like coffee is a better choice for feeling alert and concentrated, it is much smarter to consume tea. It does not contain as much caffeine, but it still gives you that awake feeling. And since you’re not over energized, like with coffee, you won’t really feel that caffeine crash later on. Another good thing about tea is that it doesn’t make you jittery and shaky like coffee does, but raises the adrenaline levels only slightly.


When it comes to antioxidants, coffee and tea are pretty tied. Both contain a large number of antioxidants like polyphenols, theaflavin, hydrocinnamic acid, and phytochemicals. Those help the fight against free radicals in your body, as well as protect you against immune disease, inflammation, cancer stroke, Alzheimer’s, and dementia. So there is no real winner here because both coffee and tea are pretty packed with antioxidants.

Weight Loss

Coffee is an integral part of many diets and fitness programs who swear that it speeds up the weight loss process. Although coffee might make you feel less hungry, there are no studies that have proven that it has anything to do with losing weight. Not only that, but it was shown that coffee might have an opposite effect. The studies have concluded that eating a high calorie meal or sugar in combination with high levels of caffeine that can be found in coffee makes the fat and sugar stay in the body for a longer period of time, and raise your blood sugar levels. This can be very dangerous and having high blood sugar levels is everything but good for your body and general health. On the other hand, weight loss aided by tea has actually been proven by many studies. Green tea in particular is known to be the go to beverage for shedding a couple of extra pounds. But don’t think that just drinking green tea will get rid of that fat, you still need to eat healthy and exercise. Green tea simply speeds up the weight loss process and makes it easier. One study has shown that obese men and women who consumed four cups of green tea each day have lost more pounds than the ones that did not drink it. So if you’re looking for a beverage that will aid your weight loss efforts and not make it worse, remove coffee from your diet, and stick to delicious green tea (without sugar, of course).

Oral Health

While coffee has some positive effects on oral health like preventing plaque, it is known to stain teeth and produce bad breath, also known as coffee breath. Coffee contains tannin which is responsible for making your teeth yellow and those who have experienced it know how horrible it looks. Bad breath is also a huge problem when it comes to coffee and it’s really hard to eliminate it. If you are concerned about your oral health, tea is a much better choice. All teas are great for improving your gum health, preventing cavities and tooth decay, and reducing plaque. Some teas like mint, for example, actually give you nice breath. So coffee is really bad for your teeth, while tea has the opposite effect and is actually encouraged for maintaining pristine oral health.


Tea vs. Coffee - Which One is Better?How both of these beverage influence our sleep is another important factor when deciding which one is better. Studies have shown that people who drink tea find it much easier to fall asleep, and their sleep quality is also better. That makes a lot of sense and here’s why. Because coffee contains a lot more caffeine, it’s much harder to fall asleep. Drinking one cup of coffee in the morning might be fine, but consuming more than that, especially later in the day, can be very detrimental to your sleep. Caffeine needs time to get out of the body so forget about those afternoon or evening coffees. Tea, on the other hand, contains less caffeine so it doesn’t really interfere with sleeping patterns. And, of course, there are caffeine-free teas that you can drink right before you go to bed if you like. Most teas also have a soothing and calming effect which is perfect to get you in a relaxed state before going to bed.

Mental Health

There are some studies that suggest that drinking coffee might reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. This is great news, but unfortunately, coffee can also have some negative effects on your mental health. Although it increases alertness and concentration, which is great, after caffeine has stopped working, people often find themselves in a depressed or anxious state. Tea, however, is known to have a very positive influence on mental health. Firstly, the caffeine content is much lower and you don’t get those extreme highs, but only a slight energy boost. That means there are no crashes afterwards and feelings of depression. Tea is also a perfect beverage for relaxing and relieving stress because it soothes your mind and body. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, simply drink a cup of your favorite tea and you will feel much better!

Physical Health

The studies that deal with effects of coffee and tea on one’s physical health are often quite confusing and contradictory, but there are some that have been confirmed by multiple studies. Coffee is very good for protecting the liver and lowering your risk of diabetes. It can also have positive effects on your digestive system and improve your metabolism. Drinking tea is great for oral health, reducing inflammation, preventing heart disease, and even lowering the risk of cancer.

The Bottom Line

When we weight out the pros and cons of coffee and tea, it seems like tea comes out as the winner of the long running tea vs. coffee debate. Although coffee has some positive effects, it is not really good for you in the long run. Tea has similar positive effects, and actually more of them, but without all the negative consequences. So if you want to take care of your health and choose a beverage that’s objectively better for you, we have to recommend tea.

For taste organic teas, check AiryTea.com.

Hong Kong Style Lemon Tea Recipe


Today, we are going to learn on how to make a delicious, Hong Kong style lemon tea that is also known as Iced Lemon Tea. Despite the fancy name, it is actually simpler than you image and only requires a couple of ingredients.

However, don’t be tricked about the simplicity as the taste is absolutely incredible. Also, keep in mind that the tea is served cold so if you are not feeling your best, do your best to avoid the temptation of drinking, at least for a day or two.

Tip: Play with different varieties of black tea to find your ultimate favorite. My personal favorite is Dianhong tea, which adds hints of cocoa and malt.

Hong Kong Style Tea Ingredients

– High quality black tea
– Two to three slices of fresh or if not possible, dried lemon
– Sugar or simple syrup
– Ice cubes

Preparing the Hong Kong Tea

Hong Kong Style Lemon Tea Recipe– Start by heating the water until it reaches the boiling point. The traditional method uses a metal pot and boils water with tea leaves already inside. However, you can just add black tea leaves into the larger than medium cup and pour hot water. Try using a diffuser to avoid the mess.

Tip: It is important to make black tea slightly stronger than you would normally drink because the melting ice will otherwise make it too light and pretty watery.

– Remove the tea from diffuser and place your tea into a fridge.

– Take a Collins glass and add sugar to taste or preferably, simple syrup (can be made by mixing warm water with sugar beforehand). That way you will avoid sugar crystals on the bottom as it is not as easy to dilute sugar as it would when the water is hot.

– Add lemon slices, ices and if you want to be all fancy, a cocktail stick.

– Take the cold black tea from the fridge and fill up the glass.

– Traditionally, a cocktail stick is used to muddle the lemon before drinking, so you can achieve your preferred balance of sweet tea and sour lemon. A spoon will work just fine too.

– That’s it. Really. Sit back, relax, and take a sip. It is one of the best drinks that is not only easy to make but also tastes incredible.

Do you have a different take on Hong Kong Style Lemon Tea? Let us know in the comment section below.

How to Reduce or Stop Caffeine Intake with Teas?


Coffee and other caffeinated drinks are the most commonly consumed beverages in the world. The statistics show that a hundred million Americans consume at least one cup of coffee a day and that’s quite significant. Although it is advertised to give you a lot of energy, caffeine is actually very bad for you and more and more people are removing it from their diet.

Why Drinking Coffee Is Bad For Your Health?

Drinking a cup of coffee here and there should be fine, but if you’re relying on caffeine to have more energy, that can have bad consequences. If you wake up in the morning and you need that coffee to get you started and to keep you functioning throughout the day, you’re actually doing more harm than good.

When you drink coffee or an energy drink, caffeine is the main drug there and it is a stimulant, and what it does is stimulating your body and your adrenal glands. That is why you feel that initial euphoria and adrenalin, but as you have probably witnessed, that feeling does not last forever and it is followed by a crash. That’s why you seek out more caffeine afterward. And that’s where the problem is.
Most people nowadays are overstressed, overworked, over-caffeinated and that combination is leading to what’s been called an extreme fatigue epidemic. People are more tired than ever before despite using caffeine. So the more stimulation you bring into your body, the more you’re wearing down your adrenal glands and as that happens, it’s only a matter of time when your body completely shuts down.

How to Quit or Reduce Caffeine Intake?

How to Quit or Reduce Caffeine Intake?If you like the taste of coffee and don’t want to stop drinking it, then you should at least switch to decaf. Caffeine is just like any other drug and you just simply have to stop taking it. You will go through some withdrawal symptoms like headaches, but those will soon pass and it’s worth it when you know how much healthier you will be.

Drinking coffee is also about the habit. Many people have those morning rituals of enjoying their cup and getting coffee with friends. It is simply a big part of our lives. That’s why the best way to get rid of this harmful addiction is to create new, healthier habits.
You can simply substitute your cup of morning coffee with a cup of delicious tea. But keep in mind that many teas also contain caffeine, so that means you should avoid green, black, and white tea. The teas that you want to be drinking as a replacement, that are completely caffeine-free are herbal teas.

Since they don’t come from regular tea plants and are not fermented, herbal teas don’t contain caffeine and are an amazingly good way to quit caffeine for good. You will still have your ritual of drinking a hot beverage in the morning and during the day, but it will actually be good for you and your body. So here are the most flavorsome herbal teas that you can replace coffee with.

Mint Tea

This is one of the classic herbal teas that has a very distinctive flavor most people enjoy very much. Menthol is the substance that gives peppermint tea its smell, flavor, and aftertaste. It will also protect your oral health and after just a few sips, you will get an amazingly fresh breath. Mint tea is a natural mouthwash so not only did you replace coffee with a healthy drink, you also got a nice breath instead of bad coffee breath.

Another great thing about this tea is its ability to reduce stress and make your mental performance better. That makes it a perfect beverage during work hours because it will get rid of anxiety and soothe you, while also making you think better and react faster.

Osmanthus Tea

Osmanthus TeaThis sweet-tasting tea will win you over right away and you will forget about coffee instantly. If you preferred to drink your coffee with a lot of sugar, osmanthus tea is a great replacement because its flavor is so sweet, but in a healthy, natural way and there is no need to add sugar.

It is made from osmanthus flowers which means it is completely caffeine-free and healthy. This is a great tea to finish your day with because it will relax you and relieve all the built up stress from work.

Buy our osmanthus tea and get them shipped today.

Lotus Leaf Tea

Some of you may not have heard about this tea because it is pretty unusual. It is made from lotus leaves and it’s a traditional Chinese tea. Its floral taste and pleasing aroma make it a perfect tea to start your day with. While you’re sipping this mild tea, you can prepare yourself mentally for the day ahead and all of the things you need to do.

Order our delicious lotus tea here.

Eucommia TeaLotus leaf tea is known to significantly improve cognitive function so that will make you perform better at work. If you think you need coffee to function properly, then you must try this tea and see how much better it is for you.

Eucommia Tea

If you’re looking for a more natural and healthier way to boost your energy than drinking coffee and energy drinks, then you must give eucommia tea a chance. This wonderful herbal tea will increase the production of adrenalin in your body without any negative consequences.
It is a known herb among athletes because it helps them perform better and heal injuries faster. So what’s better to start your day with then a tasty cup of eucommia tea? It will wake you up immediately and get you started for the day.

Click here to buy eucommia tea.

Anything else?

Best Herbal Teas to Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms


It’s winter time and the holiday season is right around the corner. Although we all look forward to celebrating Christmas, buying presents, and spending time with our families, oftentimes our holiday spirits are crushed by seasonal viral and bacterial infections. The common cold and flu are problems most people have to deal with every year. The symptoms can go from mild to severe, and are very annoying and often prevent us from going about our day.

What’s the Difference Between a Cold and a Flu?

Although the symptoms of the cold and flu and pretty similar, at least in the beginning, people often confuse the two and can’t tell the difference until it’s too late. They are actually two different types of viruses. The common cold is caused by over two hundred different viruses. This is the reason why we can’t cure the common cold and stop it from happening. The flu, on the other hand, is caused by the influenza viruses. All of these are respiratory viruses, they invade the body, multiply and cause very similar symptoms because the body has only so many ways to fight off a viral infection.

When your body is invaded by a virus, chances are you’ll get the same symptoms every time: dry or sore throat, coughing and sneezing, mild fever, congestion, and a headache. If it’s really bad, you’ll get aches and pains in your muscles, as well as exhaustion. This happens because your body is spending resources fighting off that viral infection.
In general, the flu is worse than the common cold. The fever is higher, the aches and the level of exhaustion are more pronounced and the cough might be more intense. The cold produces a milder fever and affects the throat and causes a runny nose. The flu affects the lungs and the joints.

The Remedy

Dried teaOnce you’re infected, you only have a couple of days to get treatment. After the first 48 hours, the infection has usually stopped multiplying and is wreaking havoc on your body instead. Once the symptoms start, there is no simple cure. Antibiotics will not help because they fight bacteria, not viruses.

Generally, it is recommended that you boost your immune system, take a lot of vitamin C, and zinc is actually also very good for these symptoms. The amazing thing is that you can get all of that by drinking tea. Not only do you get an abundance of vitamins and minerals in your cup of tea, but hot beverages are usually recommended for congestion, cough, and headaches. And if you’re not a fan of vaccines, or modern medicine, teas are natural remedies that won’t have any negative effects on your body.

There are many different teas you can drink to help relieve your cold and flu symptoms, but we’ve compiled a list of the absolute best ones that will help you in no time!

Ginger Tea

You have probably already heard that ginger does amazing things for your body, but did you know that is one of the best ways to reduce cold and flu symptoms? This tea is known to clear up congestion and help you breathe more easily. It will also help with a runny nose and warm you up which helps with the fever. Its anti-viral properties will fight the cold and flu viruses and help your body to remove them. Ginger tea is also a great immunity boost which is very important when your body is being attacked by viruses. It is rich in vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and D, and drinking a couple of cups a day will relieve those annoying symptoms in just a couple of days. Ginger tea also works as a prevention, so if a lot of people around you are sick and you feel like you might pick it up, start drinking tea immediately and prevent the viruses from infecting you.

Licorice Tea

Licorice teaLicorice works like magic when you got the cold or flu. It is a known cough suppressant and it will make your throat feel much better. It breaks up mucus and helps your body to get it out. It will restore energy to your weak body that has been affected by the virus and restore your immune system. Another great thing about licorice tea is its amazingly sweet flavor that will get you feeling much better. So it is no wonder that licorice has been used for centuries as an important ingredient of natural medicine.

Click here to buy licorice root tea.

Mint Tea

As you might already know, peppermint tea is great for your throat. It also has the ability to decongest so your nasal passage will quickly be back to normal. Due to its antispasmodic properties, peppermint tea will stop you from coughing so much which can provide so much relief. Constant cough can be so annoying and this is a nice, natural way to deal with it. This tea is also great for your immune system and if you drink it regularly, it can even prevent the symptoms of the cold and flu from happening in the first place.

Freshy dried mint tea is available at AiryTea.

Tangerine Peel Tea

Tangerine peel teaThis vitamin rich tea is exactly what you need to combat the awful symptoms of the common cold and flu. Made from dried tangerine peels, it contains a lot of vitamin C, and we all know that you should increase the intake of vitamin C when you’re sick. Tangerine peel tea can also break up the mucus in your body and significantly reduce coughing. If you drink this tea a couple of times a day, your cold symptoms will quickly go away and you will soon feel much better.

Pesticide free tangerine peel tea, order here.

Orange Blossom Tea

This unique tea is made from the dried flowers of the orange plant and it is a known natural remedy that has been used for hundreds of years. Among other things, it can be very beneficial for your throat. When you feel a sore throat, simply make a cup of orange blossom tea and it will feel better. A persistent cough is another cold symptom that can be reduced by drinking this tea. You will feel much better overall and your energy will be restored.

How to Brew a Perfect Cup of Loose Leaf Tea?


Steeping is something that seems pretty straightforward and many people don’t put much thought into it. They simply add loose leaf tea to hot water and brew it for an approximate amount of time. But did you know that there is an art to it and that there are many parts of this process that can greatly influence the final result and the flavor of your tea? Steeping for less or more time than it is recommended can completely change the aroma and taste of your tea so it’s really important to get everything right.

There is also the type of water to use, the right temperature, and teapots. If you enjoy tea and the process of brewing it, then you should definitely learn the proper way to do it. There is something very calming and relaxing about steeping your favorite cup of tea and it is a great intro for drinking it.

It is very unfortunate when people buy quality tea and then ruin the flavor by not steeping it the right way. Even the smallest details can influence the final results and that’s why it’s worth the trouble to do everything right.

The tradition of making tea and different tea ceremonies have been around for centuries and people have been improving this technique over the years. We’ve learned from history and that’s why we can make a perfect cup of tea today, knowing that we’re getting the best out our loose leaf teas.

In this article, you will learn every single thing you need to know in order to make a perfect cup of loose leaf tea.

A Perfect Tea Cup


Selecting the right water is very important and the fresher the water, the more you taste the delicate and complex notes of your tea. We suggest using water that is cold, low in minerals and filtered. Water that is high in minerals or hard water is not great because it makes your tea taste flat and oily.


It is crucial to use the right water temperature for the different types of tea. Some tea, like white and green are best infused at lower water temperatures. If you use overly hot water with those teas, you can damage the tea leaves, resulting in a bitter cup of tea. However, other teas, including black and herbal need water that is boiling hot to properly extract all of the flavor.

The Chinese have a term to signify proper water boiling point. When you see small bubbles that are simmering, that is the right water temperature for white and green teas. If you continue to let the water boil for a few more seconds, you see a set of pearl like bubbles. This is the right temperature for oolong teas. Wait a few more moments and once the bubbles start to pop, this is the optimal temperature for black and herbal teas.

Keep in mind, if you are heating water using a kettle, do not over-boil your water. As soon as the water comes to a full boil, you should immediately stop the heat.

Purifying Loose Leaf Tea

If you are making black or herbal tea, you should pre-heat the teapot by swirling a bit of hot water. This ensures that your high temperature tea steeps precisely at the right temperature. If you have a glass or porcelain teapot that has not been pre-heated, when you pour boiling water, it will quickly absorb the heat and cool the brewing tea and that is not good. The tea will then infuse at a lower temperature and will not taste as good.

Tea Leaves

To select your leaves, you should learn about the relationship between fermentation and caffeine content. These traits help distinguish between our five different tea varieties. Caffeine is related to each tea level of fermentation. White and green tea leaves remain unfermented so they contain a low level of caffeine. Oolong, as well as black tea, is both fermented for varying amounts of time, creating medium to high levels of caffeine. Herbals are not made from tea leaves and so do not have any caffeine in them.

Having selected your tea, use one teaspoon of tea leaves tea per cup of water. For example, a two cup teapot requires two teaspoons of tea leaves. A four cup teapot requires four teaspoons.

When you finish preparing the tea make sure the tea tin lid is tightly closed. Tea leaves teas are stored in custom airtight, food safe tins to protect the precious leaves inside. Store teas and herbal infusions in a cool, dark, dry, and low humidity place. Never store your teas on top of a hot surface such as an espresso machine or a coffee maker.

Tea Rinsing

Ideally, you should always rinse the tea leaves by pouring a little hot water over them. Swirl it and discard this wash. This removes any small pieces of dust and coaxes the leaves for steeping.

Tea Steeping Times

Pour the appropriate temperature hot water over the tea leaves and steep for the specific instructions for each tea variety. You should steep white and oolong teas for three minutes, green tea for only one minute, black tea from two to three minutes, and herbal teas require five minutes.

Although these are general steeping times, each individual blend has specific instructions listed on their web page or on the packaging. This is the most important technique. The difference between a perfect cup of tea and a bad cup of tea is often only in a few seconds. Please follow the infusion time carefully.

Steeping times are the difference between a proper balance of flavors and incorrect emphasis on certain flavor profiles of different ingredients. Although we want some tannins in order to taste the structure of a tea, if you steep tea leaves for too long you damage the leaves and it releases too many tannic acids into your cup, creating a bitter flavor. When people taste bitterness in their tea, the natural reaction is to either dilute the tea with hot water or worse, add a sweetener such as sugar or honey. This dilutes the intended flavor entirely. Instead, follow these strategic guidelines to make the perfect cup of tea.

Tea Taste Profiles

White tea is low in caffeine and high in antioxidants, and it is famous among tea lovers for its delicate yet complex flavor. It is an expensive and luxury tea.

Green tea is known for its mild and subtle taste, and it is fragrant and refreshing and often known as a superfood for its high antioxidant levels and health benefits. This is the tea that is most frequently made incorrectly by steeping too long. Green tea contains a range of greens from pale green to bright emerald.

Oolong teas are recognized for their orchid like aroma and benefits to the digestive system. With medium caffeine and fermentation, oolong tea is very prized. Oolong results in a warm brown color.

Black teas are high in caffeine and fully fermented with a full and strong flavor. Black teas have a rich bronze color.

As with wine, the flavor of the tea leaves is determined greatly by subtle differences in soil climate and elevation. Cool nights, dry weather, and bright sunny days combined provide the optimal conditions for growing tea. This type of climate forces the tea bush to use all of its energy in the growth. The finest teas come from gardens of high elevation or cooler temperatures, producing leaves with a more concentrated flavor and aroma.

Finally turning to herbals because herbals do not come from the tea plant but a compilation of herbs, spices, fruits, and flowers. They do not have any tannic acids. As such, you can steep herbals for as long as you would like as they do not become bitter. We recommend steeping herbals for at least five minutes as the longer you steep them, the more powerful the infusion becomes. When you steep herbals for a long time, they release more of the health properties into your teacup. Herbal teas have a variety of colors ranging from orange, yellow, brown, fuchsia to deep purples and gold’s.

So what did we learn? Varied steeping times depend on the tea leaves rate of infusion, oxidation levels, and water used. Blacks and oolongs present a bolder flavor with extensive steeping, while greens and white teas require a shorter steeping time to retain a mild balanced flavor. Perfecting your steeping time perfects the flavor of the delicate teas and prevents bitterness or bland flavor.

Teapots and Infusers

Teapots and Infusers

By using different types of teapots, you can control the infusion time. Different cultures use a wide array of teaware. Though some are more traditional than others, depending on the tea and the ceremony, each teapot can be used universally and interchangeably.

If you are using a teapot with a built-in infuser, simply remove the basket of tea leaves before serving. If you are using a teapot with an exterior strainer, you have a few choices. The first is used in some hotels where the traditional English tea is served with a teapot filled with tea leaves. There is a second teapot that is filled only with hot water. You pour half a cup of tea into your teacup and then depending on the desired strength of the tea, dilute with hot water from the second teapot. This is not a great system, and although it does have much historical significance, it is actually not recommended.

The second choice, if you are using a teapot with an exterior strainer, is to use the exterior strainer to strain off the loose tea leaves by pouring the tea into a second teapot. This is called the two teapot method. This is the absolute best way in order to make your loose tea.

If you are using a French press or tea leaves tea press, your tea will continue to steep until you gently press the plunger down to the bottom. Once the plunger is at the bottom, you will notice the tea will stop infusing. The tea is pushed all the way to the base where the water cannot easily pass through the leaves to produce more flavor. If you press down on the plunger and then decide your tea or herbals are not strong enough, simply pull the plunger back up. The great thing about a French press is that you can easily control how long you want your tea to infuse, and if you change your mind, you can simply restart the infusion by pulling the plunger back up.

Different tea varieties can be served plain or with different condiments including sugar, honey, milk, or lemon. When you are choosing health, consider which condiments you might use with your tea. We suggest using honey instead of sugar. Lemons are also a healthy choice because they are rich in vitamins. If you like milk, try using soy or rice milk. We recommend white, green, and oolong tea to be served plain. Black and herbal tea can be served with a variety of condiments.

Now you know the perfect what to brew loose leaf teas. You can refer to this guide whenever you’re making tea. You should definitely show off your new tea-making skills to your friends, and wow them with your new knowledge. Serve the tea with pride, knowing that your guests will be enjoying the finest tea leaves brewed absolutely perfectly.

Positive Burdock Root Tea Health Benefits / Effects


Burdock is a plant native to Europe and North Asia but now it can be found all around the world. You may know it by other names like beggar’s buttons, lappa, gobo, thorny burr or clothbur. Although all parts of the plant can be used, the roots are the most beneficial and are eaten as a vegetable and used to make delicious herbal tea because medicinal properties of burdock have been known for hundreds of years. The way that this tea is made is by extracting burdock roots and drying them in order to be steeped. It is actually very similar to dandelion and lotus tea.

Apart from being a delicious herbal tea, people drink burdock root because it is very beneficial to our health and overall wellbeing. It contains important nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, fibers, magnesium, potassium, manganese, folate, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, zinc and many others. It is known to improve digestion, purify blood, help with digestion, weight loss, and treats skin conditions, and an enlarged spleen.

Keep in mind that this is a very potent tea you should be drinking in moderation. If you drink very high doses of this tea, you may experience dizziness, dry mouth, and headaches. Three cups of burdock tea a day are enough to get all the benefits of this amazing tea and avoid side effects caused by overconsumption. It is also not recommended for pregnant women, people who are dehydrated because it’s a natural diuretic, and people who are allergic to plants that are members of the daisy family.

1. Burdock Root Tea Helps Digestion

Burdock Root Tea Helps Digestion

The most famous and important health benefit of burdock root tea is its ability to aid digestion. That occurs for a couple of different reasons. First of all, this tea is very high in fibers, most importantly inulin, and we all know fibers play a very important role in our digestive system. Inulin ensures smooth passage of food through the bowels and relieves constipation. Drinking this tea can also help with bloating, cramps, and ulcers. It is best to drink it after a heavy meal. If you have any digestive problems, you should definitely try this natural remedy.

2. It Purifies Blood

It Purifies Blood

Burdock tea is traditionally used as a blood purifier and it has been an important part of Chinese herbal medicine for centuries. It helps circulation and detoxifies the body from heavy metals and thus keeps our organs healthy. The depurative process also gets rid of free radicals from our blood. Because of its strong blood purification effect, this tea also has a beneficial effect on our lymphatic system which is responsible for carrying fluids in our bodies.

3. Burdock Root is a Natural Diuretic

Burdock Root is a Natural Diuretic

Burdock is known to be a great way for increasing urination and sweating. The result of that is the removal of toxins and excess fluid from our bodies. To avoid dehydration, you should drink plenty of water.

4. Burdock Root Aids in Weight Loss

Burdock Root Aids in Weight Loss

Drinking burdock tea will speed up your metabolism and digestion which can help you lose weight. The roots are also used as food in Asian culture because they don’t contain many calories but are very nutritional.

5. It is Beneficial For Skin and Hair

Burdock is Beneficial For Skin and Hair

Burdock root tea can do wonders for your skin and hair health for a number of different reasons. It contains antioxidants, it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anti-bacterial. Not only does it provide moisture for the skin, it also makes it look younger by slowing down the skin aging process. This tea is particularly beneficial for anyone who suffers from skin issues like dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis. It is also an amazing natural remedy for acne, black spots, and skin ulcers.

Because of its ability to treat dry skin, burdock is perfect for treating hair problems like dandruff and dry or itchy scalp. If you suffer from hair loss, this natural herbal remedy should be something to try.

6. Burdock Tea Helps with Arthritis

Burdock Tea Helps with Arthritis

Since burdock tea has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, it can soothe arthritis. Research published in the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases concludes that burdock could reduce inflammation in patients who suffer from osteoarthritis.

7. Also Treats Enlarged Spleen

Burdock Root Treats Enlarged Spleen

The spleen is a very important in our body and it protects our body from viruses and infections. If the spleen is enlarged, that is not a good sign because that means it is working hard in order to eliminate threats but just aren’t able to do it fast enough. Burdock root tea works as a spleen cleanser and thus keeps it healthy.

8. Burdock Root Tea Treats Cold and Fever

Burdock Root Tea Treats Cold and Fever

Because burdock root is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antipyretic, decongestant, and an expectorant, it is a perfect natural and safe remedy for cold and fever. It can treat cough, sore throat, painful throat, and even tonsillitis.

9. And Improves Brain Function

Burdock Improves Brain Function

Since it contains a lot of vitamin B6, burdock root tea has many health benefits for the brain and it can actually improve brain function. Vitamin B6 is essential for mood regulation, memory, and energy. That’s why drinking this tea can help you improve your mood by increasing serotonin in your brain, give you an energy boost, help you think more clearly and concentrate better. It can also help with depression and attention deficit disorders.

Don’t Wait. Order Now!

There is no point of reading these benefits without getting to experience them! If you would like to improve your health and overall wellness, please click here and buy dried burdock root tea right now.

Top 10 Licorice Tea Health Benefits / Effects


Licorice is a shrub that originated in the Mediterranean and the Middle East area of the world. The word licorice comes from a Greek word that means “sweet root”. It is also known as Chinese licorice or black sugar. Licorice tea is made from the roots which are used medicinally because they contain active constituents like anti-inflammatories, phytoestrogens, and anti-oxidants.

Licorice root is the most important for its medicinal purposes and it is known to help with PMS and menopause symptoms, reduce stress, cold and flu symptoms, regulate the immune system, treat heartburn and indigestion, heal ulcers, relieve pain, it is great for dental health, skin health, and detoxification.

This herb has a long medical history dating back to ancient times; it was used by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, ancient Hindus, and Chinese. The Egyptians used licorice root to make a sweet beverage and they often stored it in the pharaoh’s tombs because it was believed that it helps in the afterlife. It is also mentioned in several texts by a Greek botanist and he stated that it can treat asthma, dry cough, and other respiratory diseases, reducing hunger and thirst.

Licorice is an amazing herb that contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C and E and minerals calcium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. One of the main components of it is glycyrrhizin which is a sweetener and it is 50 times sweeter than sugar! That is why this herb is often used in candy production.

1. Licorice Helps with Menopause Symptoms

Licorice Helps with Menopause Symptoms

Studies have shown that licorice is very useful for management of premenstrual and menopausal symptoms. It actually balances the estrogen levels because it has an estrogen-like effect on the body. The result of that is fewer PMS and menopausal symptoms, so if you’re a woman, drinking licorice tea is definitely something you should consider.

2. Licorice Tea Reduces Stress

Licorice Tea Reduces Stress

Licorice tea has been found to help your body regulate and process cortisol, which is a stress hormone in your body, and it gives your adrenal glands a rest. So if you’re suffering from high stress levels and you’re always in overdrive, licorice tea is a great herbal tea to add to your lifestyle in order to support your adrenal glands. They also regulate your mood so it’s really important to have healthy adrenal glands in order to have an overall stable mood throughout the day.

3. It Regulates the Immune System

Licorice Regulates the Immune System

Licorice is an adaptogen and that means that it will stimulate your immune system if it needs to be stimulated to protect your body, but it can also calm your immune system down if it’s overexcited.

4. Also Treats Heartburn and Stomach Pain

Licorice Treats Heartburn and Stomach Pain

Licorice tea has been found to be an effective treatment for heartburn, indigestion, and stomach pain. A study was done where people were given licorice extract and it actually did treat their heartburn symptoms. Drinking this tea before a meal will prevent stomach irritation and indigestion. It can also help with constipation since it has a mild laxative effect.

5. Licorice Reduces Cold and Flu Symptoms

Licorice Reduces Cold and Flu Symptoms

If you came down with a cold or flu, it is usually followed by cough and sore throat. Since licorice tea contains glycyrrhizic acid which is a natural cough suppressant, it will relieve those symptoms. That’s why you can find this root in many cough and cold medicines. Research also supports that this tea can also help with a sore throat. Licorice tea is a great expectorant as well and it reduces and breaks up mucus and phlegm, allowing you to clear them out more easily.

6. Licorice Tea Heals Ulcers

Licorice Tea Heals Ulcers

There are many studies that prove that licorice is an amazing herb for healing ulcers. It also prevents their reoccurrence better than standard medicine.

7. It’s Great for Skin

Licorice is Great for Skin

This tea can do wonders for your skin. Not only does it keep the skin moisturized, but it can also protect you from dangerous UV rays. Because of anti-inflammatory properties of this tea, it can help with psoriasis and eczema. Furthermore, antioxidant properties of licorice tea can slow down the effects of aging and make your skin look healthy and youthful.

8. Also Great for Low Blood Pressure

Licorice Tea is Great for Low Blood Pressure

People who suffer from low blood pressure experience fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and low energy levels. Licorice is known to raise blood pressure and give an energy boost. But do keep in mind that if you suffer from high blood pressure, you shouldn’t drink licorice tea because it could raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels.

9. Licorice Helps Detoxification

Licorice Helps Detoxification

Licorice tea is a diuretic which means it stimulates urination. The result of that is the elimination of all the harmful toxins from the body. It also promotes liver health and protects the kidneys and bladder.

10. It Keeps Your Teeth Healthy

Licorice Tea Keeps Your Teeth Healthy

Since licorice tea has antibacterial properties, it is often used for dental health. It can kill bacteria in your mouth and in your teeth and prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and cavities. That is why drinking this tea regularly can do wonders for your dental health.

11. Licorice Tea and Pain Relief

Sweet Olive Tea is Caffeine Free

Licorice tea has an antispasmodic effect and can relieve pain caused by muscle cramps, especially in the stomach. It relaxes your muscles and prevents muscle spasms and cramps. .

Where to Buy Licorice Tea?

AiryTea is a leading supplier of all kinds of herbal teas, including of course licorice tea, please click here and order yours today.

Top 10 Mulberry Leaf Tea Health Benefits / Effects


Apart from its great flavor, people have been using mulberry leaf tea as a natural remedy for thousands of years. It contains many important vitamins and nutrients and can help with many diseases and ailments.

Mulberries are delicious, but not many people know that mulberry leaves are used to make tea. People in Asia have been drinking mulberry tea for over 3000 years. The tea is usually made from white or black mulberry which are the most popular species.

1. Mulberries Contain Antioxidants

Mulberries Contain Antioxidants

Beta carotene is found in mulberry leaves and is an antioxidant. Antioxidant is a substance that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. And what it does is protects the body from free radicals and ultimately it boosts your immune system. Free radicals are going to damage your cells through oxidation and eventually the damage that is caused by free radicals can cause severe chronic illnesses. Several studies show that antioxidants through diet help people’s immune system, protect from free radicals, and lower the risk of developing cancer and heart disease. So drinking mulberry leaf tea that is rich in antioxidants may have very important health benefits.

2. It is Extremely Good for Your Bones

It is Extremely Good for Your Bones

Mulberry leaf tea actually contains more calcium than milk! We all know that calcium is very important for strong and healthy bones so drinking this tea provides your body with enough calcium to keep you healthy.

3. It Helps the Immune System

It Helps the Immune System

Drinking mulberry leaf tea can improve the immune system and thymus gland function because you get immune support from beta carotene, a compound found in this tea. Studies have shown that using high doses of beta carotene have been very effective for people who have immune compromised states, whether the immune system is not working or they’re prone to infection, they have immune health problems. It has been shown that beta carotene supplementation helps with those conditions and helps the overall function of the immune system.

4. Mulberry Tea May Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Mulberry Tea May Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Since mulberry leaf tea contains calcium which controls the cellular growth. In other words, some cells in your body have to die because if you have cells that are growing out of control, that’s called cancer. You have a mechanism in your body that controls th growth of cells and actually causing cells to die, in a good way, just to keep them regulated. Calcium is involved in that process so if you have a calcium deficiency, you can get a situation where it’s out of control and the cells are growing and growing and it may lead to cancer. So mulberry tea is a great source of calcium which you can see is very important for your body and for reducing the risk of cancer.

5. Its Leaves Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Its Leaves Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Crashes and spikes in blood sugar levels are very unhealthy and dangerous. That’s why maintaining safe blood sugar levels is of big importance. Drinking mulberry leaf tea after a meal can actually lower your blood sugar levels. That is because this tea contains gallic acid which is known to help with high blood sugar levels.

6. Will Help You With Weight Loss

Will Help You With Weight Loss

Since mulberry tea lowers blood sugar levels, it also reduces hunger. Because of moranoline that can be found in this tea, your body flushes out carbohydrates and starch which can also help with weight loss. According to a recent study, the weight loss was 9 kilograms in 3 months.

7. Relives Cold and Flu Symptoms

Relives Cold and Flu Symptoms

There are many reasons why drinking mulberry tea can help with cold and flu symptoms. This tea is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, it helps with headaches, cough, and sore throat. It can prevent the cold from getting worse and treats all the symptoms to make you feel better.

8. Mulberry Tea Improves Skin Health

Mulberry Tea Improves Skin Health

Studies have shown that mulberry leaves also have a good skin cosmetic effect, especially for facial acne, brown spots, skin redness, and other skin problems. Mulberry leaves are rich in flavonoids, phenols, amino acids, organic acids, carotene, vitamins and a variety of essential trace elements in the human body, which improve and regulate the metabolism of skin tissue, especially the inhibition of pigmentation and the development of acne. This tea also promotes healthy and strong hair and it may reduce falling out of hair.

9. Helps With Menopausal Symptoms

Helps With Menopausal Symptoms

Mulberry leaf tea can help with symptoms of menopause, especially with bad mood swings. Many menopausal women suffer from constant changes of their mood, along with depression and anxiety. Those conditions can be very dangerous and prevent women from functioning properly in their day-to-day life. Mulberry tea can reduce those symptoms, aiding in better mental health which is extremely important for women going through menopause.

10. Slows Down Cognitive Decline

Slows Down Cognitive Decline

Drinking mulberry tea regularly may slow down cognitive decline because it contains beta carotene. A study in 2007 from Harvard Medical School has shown that men who have taken beta carotene supplements for 15 or more years are considerably less likely to experience cognitive decline than other males. Oxidative stress was found to be the key factor in cognitive decline. Studies show that antioxidants may prevent the deterioration of cognition.

Best Place to Buy Tea?

Top 10 Mulberry Leaf Tea Health Benefits / Effects

For a really delicious package of mulberry tea, please visit airytea web site and enjoy its benefits.

Enjoy the deliciousness that is this tea :)

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